Choose a motif (colors? celestial objects? eyes? music? animals? whatever...) that you found most interesting in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," and explore how this motif functions and what you think it adds to the poem.
For example, you may want to consider: What does the motif "do"? What does it emphasize or reveal? Is it ever symbolic? Does it connect with thematic elements or character development?
Be sure to include and analyze a few quotes / specific details from the poem that contain your motif.
If a previous poster chose the same motif as you, be sure to build off of what he or she wrote or explore the motif in a different way, and don't simply repeat.
(**Consider this a pre-write / exploration of ideas for the essay you'll be will hopefully gain ideas from others and start to form what your thesis might be through your writing**)
Be sure to include your name.