Monday, February 22, 2016

The Tempest Act IV passage analysis

For this post, I'd like you to select a passage from Act IV that you find particularly important / interesting / central to meaning / confusing (whatever, just have a reason).

Type the passage (including citation, of course) and then analyze the heck out of it. Look at the language, phrasing, and overall connections to the text. What questions does it bring up? Does it have multiple meanings? Does it connect with any motifs or central ideas? Does it further develop character and/or conflict?

Be sure to consider the details of the passage and the passage as a whole.

Don't use the same passage as someone else; however, I'd LOVE it if you'd build on / respond to some of your peers' posts.

Also, be sure to sign your name (first name with last initial is fine).

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Tempest Vocabulary (must do a post by the end of the play)

For The Tempest you're required to make one vocabulary post during the course of the play. Your post should look like this:

Word (that you didn't know the definition of or were unsure of)

Context (give the sentence that it appeared in with citation of Act.scene.line(s))

Definition (after looking up meanings, write a definition of the word in your own words)

Sentence (come up with your own interesting sentence that uses the word in context)

Be sure you don't repeat a word that's already been done, and be sure to sign your name!